Psychology in islam pdf

Ibn sina 981 1037 ce was the major influence upon the history of islamic psychology, taking the ideas of the greek philosophers and adapting them to fit islamic doctrine. Islam and the psychology of the muslim is a jewel from the early 20th century, written before the disaster of modern. Psychology from the islamic perspective darussalam. The psychology of religion university of california, davis. Psychology from the islamic perspective is an attempt to lay foundation for an islamic psychology. The concept of alfitrah which is the inherent knowledge combined with the human soul is the most essential aspect of. Alkindi 803873 he was the first great arab philosopher. The psychology of selfcontrol in islam all parts the. Journal of islamic ethics 2 2018 97109 jie islamic psychology. Fhoxford karl mannheim professor of the history and philosophy of the social sciences graduate theological foundation sir julian huxley distinguished research professor cloverdale college senior fellow of foundation houseoxford.

Feb 28, 2017 the only way to understand islam is to understand the neuroses and psychoses of muhammad. The article discusses the connection of human psychology with islam. There are very few if any undisputed scientific research presented, yet an increasing number of physicists, psychologists, biologists and neuroscientists are taking the subject increasingly more seriously. You may think that psychology is just common sense and not really a necessity. Towards a 21st century definition and conceptual framework carrie york alkaram. Upon the features of human psychology in the quran dr. In order to reach that aim, the authors will highlight the main concepts in islamic psychology as to show how it is different from the conventional psychology.

Psychology is best defined as the scientific study of behavior in humans and animals. In the interests of a good understanding with our muslim subjects, we should islam and the psychology of the muslim vi. Pdf a preface to the islamic personality psychology. Islamic psychology introduction khurshid ahmad gives us a great summary related to islamic psychology. Thus, this paper briefly analysed the concept of personality in islam, the islamic worldview and its relationship with personality and finally islamic personality psychology. Psychology from the islamic perspective by aisha utz hamdan. Pdf some aspects of human psychology from islamic perspective. The word islam in arabic means submission, reflecting the central tenent of submitting to the will of god. Finally, the list was submitted to the three senior academic consultants on the.

In the in terests of a good understanding with our muslim subjects, we should islam and the psychology of the muslim vi. I have liked the depth of thought of the author and the way she has discussed the fundamentals of islamic beliefs. Islamic psychology refers to the study of psychology, psychiatry and the neurosciences in the islamic world, particularly during the islamic golden age 8th15th centuries and to a lesser extent in modern times 20th21st centuries. In the relatively new field of positive psychology, many of these eastern traditions are utilized to enhance general wellbeing. An egoist, his social horizon stops at the tribe, beyond which he knows neither friend nor neighbor.

The aim of this paper is to discuss on the application of the main concepts of islamic psychology in the practice of islamic counselling. Applying the main concepts of islamic psychology to. Like a wild beast, he sees a chance when it arises. Therefore, islamic psychology deals with all spheres that originate from god alone. Modern science has recently taken a keen interest in the wisdoms found in the ancient eastern traditions such as buddhism, confucianism, taoism, and hinduism. Psychology of religion a commentary on the classic texts by john h.

This would constitute a foundation for various forms of applied psychology such as islamic psychotherapies. Applying the main concepts of islamic psychology to islamic counseling. Arabic and islamic psychology and philosophy of mind. Integrating islamic traditions in modern psychology. The one and only creation of the arabs is their religion. American psychologist and philosopher william james 18421910 is regarded by most psychologists of religion as the founder of the field.

In child psychology in islam, an article full of information and insights, and unique in the field of islamic studies from the point of view of the subject, franz rosenthal draws attention to the importance of history of childhood or rather history of the idea of childhood. How islam teaches selfcontrol and thus sets us up for success. Islamic upbringing is the development of all traits of islamic personality i. And it is this religion that is the chief obstacle between them and ourselves. Early muslims wrote extensively about human nature and called it ilmal nafsiat or selfknowledge. Arabic and islamic psychology and philosophy of mind first published fri apr 18, 2008. Siddiqui and malek 1996, in their book chapter islamic psychology. Islam offers an uncomplicated, comprehensive, and precise theory of our spiritual nature, our purpose and priorities in life, and how we can attain serenity and happiness in this life and the next. Color psychology the colour affects system color psychology is a matter of debate, to say the least. A muslims guide to positive psychology and flourishing. Islamic psychology conclusion clearly, to deny jesus death on the cross is to renounce the gospel of jesus christ, which is at the core of the christian faith. Islamic psychology ilm ul nafs is the study of the self nafs or the psyche from an islamic perspective with concepts that are not included in western forms of studying the field i. A diverse assortment of motivational books and ebooks on the islamic perspective of psychology, and selfhelp books on how to change your behaviour, improve your own and your familys emotional wellbeing, how to achieve your goals, and how to attain selffulfillment.

It is the mind that relates to all aspects of life. Selfhelp, behaviour and psychology in islam a diverse assortment of highly recommended motivational books and ebooks covering topics such as. The author begins her book by clearly stating its objectives namely, to describe and detail islamic perspectives on psychology, mental. Yes there is plenty of material, sadly not many books but lots of pdf s are available online by contemporarys. Mar, 2020 all journal articles featured in international journal for the psychology of religion vol 30 issue 2. Psychology of religion a commentary on the classic texts. Integrating islamic traditions in modern psychology 79 functioning, emotional distress, and coping, albeit conceptualized differently. The international journal for the psychology of religion. The author has successfully opened a new horizon of approaching psychology of man in a way that reflects his diverse complexities. This emphasis in line with subjects studied in social psychology where social psychology has been defined as the scientific study of how a persons thoughts, feelings and behaviour are influenced by. This work has good references, ranging from classical, modern, arabic and english sources, for readers on islamic. Thus, it is not unusual to see the trend of the incorporation of spirituality religion into mainstream psychology by.

However, it didnt quite felt like psychology from the islamic perspective despite the name, which had intrigued me to pick up the book in the first place. Contributions of early muslim scholars and challenges to contemporary muslim psychologists amber haque abstract. Definition of psychology from the islamic perspective. Islam and the psychology of the muslim political islam. You might think that psychology was the study of the mind due to the.

The study of psychology is a scientific domain that deals with behaviour of a person. Positive psychology from islamic perspective int j behav sci vol. The psychology of islamic culture it is commendable that someone should address the psychological profile of muslims that is, of individuals born into the culture of islam and nicolai sennels does that in his jihad watch article of october 30 th, cultural psychology. She has written several journal articles related to the topic of psychology in islam and presented these ideas at regional and international conferences. He began with aristotles idea that humans possessed three types of. This paper covers major contributions of prominent early muslim scholars to psychology and outlines the challenges faced by todays muslims in adapting to the western theories. In that light, islam offers no meaningful claim that it confirms the christian faith or the gospel. Although there are many verses in the quran that speak to each one of these elements, we have chosen a selected few that will put things into perspective. Islamic psychology is based on three principles, namely theoethics, socioethics, and psycoethics, which discusses human relations from a psychological point of view. This website is for people of various faiths who seek to understand islam and muslims. There is a book by aisha utz called psychology from the islamic perspective, al balkhis sustenance of the soul, works of ibn sina and al ghazali, and current jamal zarabozo touches on this subject, as well as rasjid skinner, and rabia malik.

In contrast, islamic psychology covers every aspect of human nature and life, including the soul and the heart, because the base of islamic conceptualization is the divine revelation the quran. Psychology from the islamic perspective is a long awaited book that helps in satisfying the long quest endured by muslim psychologists. Principles of islamic psychology ebook by farid younos. In contrast, islamic psychology covers every aspect of human nature and life, including the soul and the heart, because the base of islamic conceptualization is the divine revelation the quran, which presents a comprehensive model of a human being that includes spiritual, psychological. If you are breathing and interacting with others you need psychology. The different types of fitrah, nature of human soul, and the dynamics of the metaphysical elements like nafs, aql, and ruh are explored with their effects. How islam managed to stay medieval for 1,400 years. It also offers a few recommendations on the indigenization of psychology for muslim societies interested in seeking the islamic perspective on human behaviors.

Islam and the psychology of the muslim is a jewel from the early 20th century, written before the disaster of modern, politically correct thought control. The personality psychology of islam stands as an essential feature in the understanding of islamic psychology. Pdf the personality psychology of islam stands as an essential feature in the understanding of islamic psychology. Taib international islamic university malaysia alizi alias phd international islamic university malaysia muhammad shafiq mohd. Abbas it is most certain that the majority of readers have taken a course in psychology, either in high school or in university studies. Taib international islamic university malaysia abstract. From an islamic perspective, any truly comprehensive psychology can only develop out of a very different set of assumptions.

Contributions of quran to contemporary psychologists. In this series, we explore the impact of muhammads abnormal childhood development on his later life and. Islam as you may well already know, and if not, then soon you will witness, has the natural constructs of positive psychology embedded in the teachings of the quran. A critical analysis from islamic and scientific perspectives and application in industrialorganizational psychology maisarah mohd. Islam itself is deeply interested in human psychology. Psychology from the islamic perspective what does islam say about human psychology and mental health. It is totally unclear how they arrived at that definition nor is it clear how useful this definition might be within the.

Defining an islamic psychology in an islamically meaningful way would be impossible without first constructing a conceptual framework or model of human nature with islamic integrity muhammad 1996. Islam is a major world religion and there are growing numbers of muslims in the west, particularly. Whilst islamic psychology retained the hellenic trait of looking at mind, philosophy and spirit together, the middle eastern scholars also began to develop a more practical approach to psychology. A comparative analysis by hayati aydin abstract this paper focuses on the self and related concepts as a sufi phrase and is a comparative analysis. Utz is associate editor of the faithbased practice section of the journal of muslim mental health. Definition and scope, assert that islamic psychology is the study of persons who have complete surrender and submission and obey the laws of god. Some aspects of human psychology from islamic perspective. This book is a humble effort to expound upon the true conceptualization of human psychology based upon the quran and the sunnah. Islamic psychology was based upon looking at ways to cure and heal, rather than merely theorize. Believe it or not, islam offers a precise, uncomplicated, and comprehensive theory of our spiritual nature, our purpose and priorities in life, and how we can attain serenity and happiness in this life and the next.

Psychology from the islamic perspective by aisha utz. Psychology from the islamic perspective by aisha utz, islam. In effect a different paradigm of knowledge is required, so that a genuine study of the soul can take place and a genuine psychology, remember the word psychology means study of the soul. Pdf contemporary psychology is defined as the scientific study of behavior and mental processes. Towards a 21st century definition and conceptual framework carrie york al karam. Human being, being physical and metaphysical in nature is certainly a complex creature. Islamic psychology or ilmal nafsiat arabic, refers to the study of the nafs meaning self or psyche in arabic in the islamic world, particularly during the islamic golden age 8th15th centuries as well as modern times 20th21st centuries, and is related to psychology, psychiatry and the neurosciences. International journal of academic research business. He served as president of the american psychological association, and wrote one of the first psychology textbooks.

As an islamic psychologist, alkindi was a pioneer in experimental psychology. Islam discusses these aspects of human personality and their role in life in holy quran. Islamic philosophy, contemporary psychologists,ilmal nafsiat,muslim societies, indigenous psychology,divine and material knowledge 2. Abdolbaghy rezaeitalarposhti1, abdolhady rezaeitalarposhti2 1. The author, andre sevier, was a scholar of islamic doctrine and its political history.